Since it’s nearing the end of October, I thought I’d make this week’s blog post festive.

Ever wondered what your Halloween costume says about your personality? If not, I’m here to help you figure it out.

Obscure book character

You always talk about how people never “get you,” but you probably don’t really want to be understood. Hipsters generally fall under this costume category.

Nicki Minaj or Katy Perry

You are an attention-getter who likes to push the envelope. Maybe you’re a theatre/performance major, or maybe you just still sing into the mirror and use your hairbrush as a microphone.

Cat ears

You probably loved the movie Mean Girls. You also probably agree with the statement that Halloween gives girls the excuse to dress “slutty,” for a night, and you’re using the excuse to its full benefit.

Dwight from The Office

You’re a pretty laid-back guy or girl who watches Saturday Night Live, loves any Steve Carell movie and plays Sims in your free time.

A superhero

You might be fun, but you’re also not very original. Look, everyone likes Batman, but no one’s giving you a creativity award for buying a Batman T-shirt and a mask.

So which costume stereotype are you? Have a good Halloween, everyone— just choose your costumes wisely!